Multi-objective strategies
Specifications can include zero, one, or many objectives. When there is none or just one, no explicit strategy is needed:
Without an objective, the model checks for feasibility
With a single objective, the model optimizes this objective
When more than one objective is present, a SolveStrategy
is needed to
define how to pick the optimization target. It exposes two main building blocks,
described in this page.
Weighted sum targets
Strategy targets allow optimizing the weighted sum of multiple objectives by passing in a mapping from objective label to weight:
# Minimize the weighted sum of two objectives
strategy = opvious.SolveStrategy(
target={"minimizeFoo": 2, "minimizeBar": 10}
This is possible even if the objectives have difference senses, in that case we just need to specify which sense to pick for the final objective:
# Minimize the weighted sum of two objectives
strategy = opvious.SolveStrategy(
target={"minimizeFoo": 2, "maximizeBar": 10},
All objectives must have an associated non-negative weight in the mapping (possibly 0 to ignore the objective). You can use a defaultdict to set a default weight:
import collections
# Minimize the weighted sum of all objectives where `minimizeFoo` has weight 2
# and all others weight 1.
strategy = opvious.SolveStrategy(
target=collections.defaultdict(lambda: 1, {"minimizeFoo": 2}),
As a convenience:
Passing in a label string instead of a mapping is equivalent to optimizing only that objective.
is equivalent to a mapping where all objectives have equal weight 1.
Epsilon constraints
A complementary approach to optimizing a linear combination of objectives once is to iteratively optimize a sequence of objectives, progressively restricting the model to be within a given small tolerance (“epsilon”) of each prior optimal solution.
# Minimize foo while ensuring that bar is within 10% of its optimal value
strategy = opvious.SolveStrategy(
opvious.EpsilonConstraint(target="maximizeBar", relative_tolerance=0.1),
It’s possible to specify many epsilon constraints, they will be applied in the order they are defined. Epsilon targets can be single objectives or weighted sums but should not include quadratic costs.
Under the hood, the solver incrementally adds epsilon constraints on top of the original model and automatically warm starts from the previous solution. This approach drastically reduces the overhead of each epsilon-constraint.